Behind the Lens

Diego Lapetina self-portrait from the mountain top at Washington State

About Me

Please take a second to remember the most beautiful place you have visited. Can you remember all the details? How the clouds were moving, the color of the leaves, the smell of the trees? Sometimes, we remember the overall sensation of visiting a place but we forget the small details. That is the reason why I started photography.

In 2004, I started to travel on a daily basis to pursue my M.Sc and I had this urge of buying a camera to capture all of those moments. In hindsight, that was the beginning go my love affair with photography. I bought a little point-and-shoot camera and started to capture hundreds of images during my day. The brute force approach of snapping thousands of images with no real purpose quickly showed to be inefficient. I wanted to capture relevant pictures and not only daily snapshots. That is when I decided to learn the technical aspects of photography. I used my point-and-shoot to learn everything I could about Shutter Speed, Aperture, ISO.

My passion for photography got a new boast after moving to Canada to pursue my Ph.D. The Canadian scenery was significantly different from everything I had experienced in Brazil. I can vividly remember driving through Jasper’s National Park gates for the first time. As I walked into that fairytale scene, I kept snapping photos with my point-and-shoot camera. I probably snapped more than two thousand images, but I failed to recreate the feeling of seen that place for the first time.

That was the moment I decided to take landscape photography seriously. My very first step after this decision was to buy my very first DSLR. My photography journey has been filled with amazement, driving, exploration, flying, frustration, hiking and some hiding from bears. Capturing the beauty of nature is a tall order and one that I still haven’t manage to fulfill. During my photography years, I have learned that capturing an image is only the first step of the process. I use the raw image as a canvas to paint the feelings I had during that moment. My post-processing routine focuses on enhancing the features that capture my attention and muting the distractions that are always surrounding ourselves.

My goal with photography is to make you feel like you were there with me. I want to share the beauty of nature and encourage everyone to go out and explore this beautiful world.

Diego Lapetina on top of the Mountain pointing a finger to the Canadian Rockies

Frequent Asked Questions

How would you describe your style?

I have a fluid style. I believe the beauty of art is the possibility of continuous experimentation and consequently constant growth. But to be less elusive about this question, I would admit having a large preference for landscape photography.

What is your favorite part about being a photographer? 

I love the process of creating a photograph. I love researching locations for shooting, imagining the angles, hiking to the location, capturing the image, and developing my vision through the digital darkroom and printing.

What inspires you in terms of your photography?  

This is a question that I often ask myself and always fail to find a good answer. I believe that it might be my eternal quest to capture the beauty of the world surrounding us, or maybe it’s just a way to boost my self-confidence by having people admiring something that I have created. Whatever the reason might be, I just know I need to do it.

What equipment do you use currently? What type was your very first camera?

My camera bag has reduced in size considerably over the years and nowadays it contains:

  • Canon 5Ds,
  • 4 lenses (Canon EF 16-35L; Canon EF 70-300L, Canon 100mm Macro, and Sigma 50mm Art),
  • CF cards, Sensor Cleaner, Rocket Blower, Cables, Batteries and Charges,
  • headlamp and gloves,
  • Gitzo Tripod (Traveler Series 2).

What’s ahead?  Any current inspiration for a new series, subject matter, or location to shoot?

I felt quite lost and without purpose after finishing my Ph.D. in 2018 and photography was the only thing that was still making sense. I tried the whole 9 am-5 pm job, but quickly I realized that the business life wasn’t for me. In early 2020 I decided to quit my full-time job and pursuit a career in photography/design. So, that’s a lot of new things happening right now. I am excited to see where my photography journey will lead me.

What is your goal as an artist? (What do you want people to get out of your work?)

I don’t have a singular goal as a photographer. Art can be used in so many different ways. An artist can raise awareness for social problems, portrait important moments on people’s life (such as weddings), or eternize the beauty of a sunset. As an aspiring photographer, I hope to harness all the power of photography and create an impact on my society.